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Arrest Warrant

A bench warrant issues when an individual fails to appear in court or fails to complete court requirements from a previous conviction or a deferred sentence.  A bench warrant authorizes police to arrest an individual and bring him/her to the Judge who issued the bench warrant to address the court case.

Call Mike Moran at 719-447-1923 to protect your rights and get immediate assistance.

If a bench warrant has been issued for your arrest, defense attorney Mike Moran may be able to have the warrant quashed without you being taken into custody. If you are required to turn yourself into jail, Mike Moran can assist you in making your transition into the court system successfully.

After the warrant has been quashed or a proper bond set, Mike will appear with you in Court and use his expertise to help you with the legal process.

Please call the office of Michael W. Moran at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation.

While there are warrants issued for outstanding warrants on various people, Colorado Springs police are allowed by law to issue bench warrants for the arrest of a person when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is committing a crime. To find out if the person you want to search has any outstanding warrants against him or her, contact the Colorado Springs Police Department or the Magistrates Office immediately. If you are unable to locate the information you want, the Internet has an extensive web site devoted to Colorado Springs arrests and warrants. You can conduct criminal background checks on your own and you can also find out the status of outstanding warrants and pending arrests on the web site.

Another place that you can search for Colorado Springs arrest warrants is the Colorado Springs Police Department. They maintain an online database that you can access free of charge and provide you with all the information that you need to find the person you are searching for. If you are looking for information on an arrest warrant, the name of the person, his or her address, and other relevant information regarding the person, you will have to provide this information to the police department and wait for them to process the arrest warrant before you get it. However, you can access this database online for free and it will only take you a few minutes of your time.

One more place that you can look up warrants in Colorado Springs is the Colorado Springs Courts Office. This office maintains a comprehensive records on all warrants issued in the court system and you will be able to locate and identify the person you are searching for. The fee that you will be required to pay for the search is very nominal and it is worth the money because it will not only help you track down someone you are looking for, but it can also prevent you from accidentally doing an arrest without a warrant. However, keep in mind that you will be required to provide this information in the person’s name and you may be arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct if you are caught by the police while in possession of these warrants.

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