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Misdemeanor Charges

Misdemeanor Charges

When you are looking for a lawyer to assist you with a misdemeanor charge, it is important to obtain an attorney with experience and knowledge of the court system. Michael Moran has been an attorney since 1994 and has experience in dealing with all levels of prosecutors and judges.

He practices solely in criminal law. He practices throughout Southern Colorado and has handled thousands of cases successfully. Mike has experience and is a strong advocator.

Call 719-447-1923 for your free consultation.

Misdemeanor charges are extremely broad. Some examples are:

* Arson
* Assault
* Bench Warrants
* Child Abuse
* Civil Protection Orders
* Computer Crime
* Contempt of Court
* Criminal Mischief
* Criminal Tampering
* Disorderly Conduct
* Domestic Violence
* Driving Charges
* Drug Crimes
* Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
* Driving Under Suspension
* Driving Under Restraint
* Expungements
* False Imprisonment
* Forgery
* Harassment
* Indecent Exposure
* Marijuana charges
* Menacing
* Obstructing a Peace Officer
* Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
* Probation Violations
* Property Crimes
* Resisting Arrest
* Restraining Order Charges
* Sealing Criminal Records
* Telephone obstruction
* Theft
* Traffic Offenses
* Trespass

These are not all inclusive, and are generally heard in our local County Court. The penalties could involve’ county jail rather than prison, probation, fines, court costs, and other rehabilitative requirements. Every misdemeanor ease is assessed on its independent circumstances. Each case is professionally managed according to your defense attorney’s strategy and his relationship with the courts and prosecutor.

If you are charged with a misdemeanor, it is in your best interest to Contact Michael W. Moran, P.C. to protect your legal rights. For a Free Consultation Contact 719-447-1923.

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