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Solicitation and Prostitution

Solicitation and Prostitution

Prostitution and solicitation related criminal charges can be one of the most embarrassing events a person encounters.  Solicitation charges generally involve an undercover police officer posing as a prostitute.  This event is defined as an inchoate crime.  This means a person asks for sex in exchange for some sort of monetary consideration.  The ultimate sexual act does not need to occur.

These events can be charged in multiple jurisdictions. In El Paso County the case can be charged in Colorado Springs Municipal Court, with a conviction penalty of no more than 90 days jail. If the case is charged in El Paso County Court, the penalty is more extreme and could result in a jail sentence of no greater than one year.

Contact Michael W. Moran at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation.

Prostitution and Solicitation crimes can include:

  • Prostitution
  • Solicitation
  • Loitering
  • Pandering
  • Escorting
  • Pimping
  • Indecent Exposure
  • John
  • Obscenity
  • Public Indecency
  • Patronizing a Prostitute
  • Keeping a place of prostitution
  • Promoting sexual immorality
  • Committing a lewd act

If you are charged with a solicitation or prostitution offense it is important to contact an attorney immediately. Mike is extremely discreet in handing these sensitive charges and is aware how they can affect your personal and professional life. It is also important to realize these types of charges might remain on your permanent record and unfortunately be accessed by the public. If your case is dismissed, you may be eligible for the criminal record to be sealed/expunged.

Please call the office of Michael W. Moran, P.C. at 719-447-1923 for a free consultation.

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