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Marijuana Possession

Marijuana Possession

The State of Colorado added a constitutional amendment to permit the use of medical marijuana.  As a result, there has been a significant increase in marijuana prosecutions that are not related to medical marijuana.  The charges can include:

  • Possession of more than 8 ounces of marijuana (Class 5 Felony)
  • Possession of more than 8 ounces of marijuana second offense (Class 4 Felony)
  • Possession of more than 1 ounce but less than 8 ounces of marijuana (Class 1 misdemeanor)
  • Possession of more than 1 ounce but less than 8 ounces of marijuana with a prior conviction (Class 5 Felony)
  • Possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana (Class 2 Petty Offense)
  • Cultivation
  • Marijuana distribution
  • Possession of marijuana without a valid medical marijuana license.

Call Mike Moran at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation.

Marijuana charges can be heard in all courts in Colorado including Federal Court, District Court, Misdemeanor Court and Municipal Court.  All penalties are determined on the amount of the drug and the Court in which it is heard.

Defenses are numerous and can include you possessing a valid medical marijuana card.  The Search and Seizure laws are applicable to a complete defense.  Recently, Mike successfully defended an individual who possessed 18 marijuana plants, without a medical marijuana license. The police entered into the home without a warrant and Mike’s use of the Search and Seizure statutes allowed a successful negotiated plea agreement.

Please call the office of Michael W. Moran, P.C. at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation.

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