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Gambling & Casino Crimes

Gambling & Casino Crimes

Colorado Springs Casino & Gambling Crimes LawyerColorado has limited low-stakes gambling in several historical communities.  These gambling activities are controlled and monitored by the State of Colorado through the Colorado Gaming Commission.  Colorado has established rules of gaming conduct and statutes for criminal violations against the gambling laws.  Gambling and casino related violations may include:

  • Limited Gaming Cheating by a Licensee
  • Cheating by Fraud or Deception
  • Cheating
  • Fraudulent Gambling
  • Defrauding a Casino
  • Possession of a Gambling Device
  • Theft from a Casino
  • Unauthorized Card Games
  • Unauthorized Playing of Poker for Profit
  • False Charitable Gambling or Gaming
  • Misrepresentation of Gaming License
  • Misuse of Gaming License
  • Maintaining an Illegal Gambling Establishment

Colorado Springs authorities have become increasingly tough on law breaking gamblers, and particularly in the realm of online gambling, where a rash of recent incidents has left many innocent people facing felony charges for gambling activities that they may not have engaged in. These crimes include operating an unlicensed gambling establishment, knowingly placing false advertisements about the operation of gambling, possession of counterfeit gambling licenses, accepting payments for lottery tickets or illegal gambling, and more. In response, many cities and counties across Colorado are cracking down on these types of criminal activities with stiff fines and criminal prosecution. Gambling enforcement agencies have also been busy with raids on gambling houses and have even arrested and charged multiple suspects in recent weeks following a number of publicized raids.

Colorado casino crimes

The most common crime that falls under this category is the Class 2 misdemeanor for gambling fraud. This includes a person violating the provisions of a written agreement regarding the amount of wagers that the person will place on a game of chance. While the intention of a person committing this type of fraud is to keep his bank account dry, this type of violation can also involve a person failing to pay taxes or penalties that are owed by that person. The Colorado Springs Criminal defense attorneys, in conjunction with their c.r.s. attorneys can help a defendant fight this charge, if the case goes to trial.

Another common crime that falls under the category of gambling violations is the Class 6 felony for knowingly operating an unlicensed gaming device. This also includes a person violating the provisions of a written agreement regarding the amount of wagers that the person will place on a game of chance. This charge can also include a person failing to pay taxes or penalties that are owed by that person. A person charged with this crime will need the help of a criminal defense attorney who has experience in handling cases similar to the one in question.

A third common crime related to slot machines is operating a fraudulent lottery application. When this type of violation occurs, a person can be charged with a Class 6 felony. This charge is used to describe a situation where a person possesses money that he does not have right to and intends to use that money for personal gain. This is different from a Class 1 misdemeanor, which is used when a person is accused of using a fake identification card or making a false statement on a license or any other document. Both of these classifications are considered very serious offenses and will lead to jail time if one is found guilty. This is because the potential forfeiture of the person’s assets could be greater.

Black hawk gambling charges relate to crimes that take place in Colorado casinos. These are considered to be the most serious of all gambling violations in Colorado. The black hawk citation is issued under the provisions of the Colorado Gambling Control Act. This means that if a person owns a casino in Colorado that receives black hawk permits, he is required to provide identification and guarantee that he will display the appropriate signs. Failure to do so can result in immediate prosecution.

The second most common crime related to Colorado casinos is called a “malware” violation. This is a very broad term that can mean any of a number of acts that are considered to be criminal. Malware is used to refer to any of the various types of fraud that can take place at a casino. There are various ways that this fraudster can commit his crimes, but the most common includes: providing false information on forms, accessing personal information that would allow him to make fraudulent purchases on credit cards, and taking money through fake identification cards. If you’re found guilty of any of these Colorado casino crimes, you face serious financial penalties and jail time.

Call Mike Moran at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation. You may be prohibited from entering into Colorado Casinos, you may lose a gambling license or the ability to operate a charitable organization or actual casino.

Gambling violations may be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the severity. A misdemeanor conviction penalty can include a six month jail sentence. A felony gambling conviction penalty can include up to 18 months of prison.

Please call the office of Michael W. Moran at 719-447-1923 for a free consultation.

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