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Driving Under Suspension Driving With Revoked License

Driving Under Suspension Driving With Revoked License

Driving Under Suspension Revoked LicenseThe penalties for Driving Under Suspension [DUS] or Driving with a Revoked License [DUR] are serious traffic offenses under Colorado law. In fact, Driving under Suspension as a result of an alcohol conviction, carries a mandatory penalty of 30 days in the County Jail.  Suspension and revocation charges alone can result in penalties of up to one year of probation
and steep fines.

Call Michael Moran for your free consultation at 719-447-1923.

A conviction of either of these charges results in a one year suspension of your Colorado driver’s license Without the ability to obtain a restricted or “red” license. Your driving insurance rates will certainly increase. After serving your suspension period, you will face additional fees to reinstate your driving privileges. When Colorado suspends your driving privileges, it will notify other states pursuant to the Inter-State Compact laws that your driving license is suspended. Generally, the state that has been notified will abide by Colorado’s suspension and prohibit you from obtaining a license.

A conviction of these charges will lead to a “habitual offender strike” on your driving record. This means that conviction of three or more of these major traffic charges can lead to a felony prosecution and a lengthy driver’s license suspension.

A second conviction for DUS or DUR requires a jail sentence of 90 days to 2 years and again, will cost you severely in fines and court fees. You could be ordered to serve supervised probation.

Mike Moran can assist you in obtaining a satisfactory outcome. A good outcome would include a deferred sentence/deferred prosecution or a reduction of the charge to a zero point ticket. These resolutions avoid a jail sentence and additional driver’s license suspension.

Contact Michael W. Moran immediately if you receive a citation for Driving Under Suspension or Driving Under Revocation. Mike , as an experienced defense attorney, will use his skills to keep you out of jail and to keep your driving privileges.

Mike evaluates all potential remedies and defenses. Answers to these questions will help shape the strategy of handling your case.

*Did you know your license was suspended?

* Did you receive proper notice from the Department of Motor Vehicles?

* Was there an emerger1cy that caused you to drive which might give you a legal defense?

Call the office of Michael W. Moran at 719-447-1923 for your free consultation. [email protected]

The office is located at 220 East Costilla Street, Colorado Springs, CO.

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